We are going to:
Please consider...
Integration of a relatively simple captcha in your site.
There is an explanation on their site how to use it, I am going to show the complete required PHP code.
On their site there are two lines (two URLs) which we are going to use:
1. Go to http://captchator.com/captcha/image/(anything you like) and read the text from the picture.
2. Go to http://captchator.com/captcha/check_answer/(anything you like)/(text from the picture). If you entered the text correctly, you will see "1".
Within your form add an image and a simple text input
the image:
<img src="http://captchator.com/captcha/image/online-php.com" width="130" height="90" />
* "online-php.com" is a unique string which you have to append to the URL
the input (text)
<input type="text" name="captcha">
When you receive the request (POST) you check the CAPTCHA in the next way:
if (file_get_contents('http://captchator.com/captcha/check_answer/online-php.com/'.urlencode($_POST['captcha'])) != '1') {
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
* Same thing here - "online-php.com" is a unique string which you have to append to the URL
* also: Google reCaptcha free service: